Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I happen to know that Arcosanti is engaged in a five year planning process, and then they plan to present their results, at an event. Now, everyone who follows Arcosanti knows that they are involved in a planning process, but I don't think almost anyone knows about the plan to present the results. I happened to be somewhere when that plan was announced, just once, to a very small group. Since then I have not heard or seen anything about it. I suspect it's a bit of a secret. (I can mention it here because no one ever reads my blogs.)

Well, I have my hopes about what might be in that presentation. I'm not involved in the planning process - which has a formal structure - because I'm too annoying to be included. Still, I want to say what I hope to see, and that is, among several points, A VERY LARGE QUANTITY OF VISUALIZATION of what we plan to do. I worry a bit that the visualization will get short shrift. I worry we'll see a lot of process points - not, in itself, a bad thing, not in any way - and not very much visualization. I guess I suspect the visualization work will be postponed, in a sense. Well, I guess that could be a good thing. There will be process points to the effect that we will do such and such kinds of visualization work, and, certainly, there should be such process points. Still, I worry a little.

I shouldn't worry. It's silly. Just writing about it is clarifying some things. It's realistic to think that, in two or three years, when the results of their five year planning process are presented, those results will not completely detail every nook and cranny that we plan to build. Maybe what I do want to see, in the way of visualizations, is this: the footings and the broad superstructure of some of those larger things we have dreamt of building. Be bold, guys! Draw up some very big things. Make them simple, with lots of space in them for the future. Personally, I think that's the way to go.

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