Monday, April 13, 2015

finding it

Found it. Finally, after years of effort, I wrote a somewhat extended essay that I think is actually readable. In the end, it's just a small thing, but others are planning this future, and I wanted to have my say. (Just ignore the first couple of paragraphs.)

I need to read that howness Quaderno. It seems to me if we want to build arcologies, or anything really big, that's going to be done not by us, per se, but by society. The process of getting society behind our ideas begins with description. If we can describe things that are really good, and if our descriptive work is really convincing, they'll get built. That's the premise. This is standard business methodology.

Howness. I like money. The delight I take in it is very much partly just contrariness, sticking it to annoying self righteous thinkers. They'll never take me. I'll just go my own way. Still, how to get the money? I wrote about finding easy ways to do things, as a fundamental thing, the answer to the question "How?" Sure, I've been working on it, and failing at it, for years and years, but that's only been possible because it's easy. So, the stock market. It's fun and good to be contrary, to stick it to the numbskulls who insist it's all evil, but, it's also kind of interesting, and even good. But, in the interest of diversification, I also have thought a lot about this social media industry, and how to get myself into that. I linked in a bunch of my notes about that, from earlier. It's, in a way, a weak collection. Looking forward, here on this new blog, I'm going to see if I can improve on it.

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